The Seven Sacred Laws Animated Web Series

The Seven Sacred Laws is a colourful and imaginative animated web series that follows a young boy on an Indigenous rite of passage: a vision quest. On his spiritual journey, he meets seven sacred animals that teach him how we as people should live our lives on Mother Earth

In partnership with The Turtle Lodge International Centre for Indigenous Education and Wellness in Sagkeeng First Nation and IG Wealth Management, Manitoba 150 is honoured to present a series of short animated films on the Seven Sacred Laws. Written by Anishinaabe Elder, Dr. David Courchene, directed by Indigenous filmmaker, Erica Daniels of Peguis First Nation, and created by Manitoba’s Peg City Pictures Inc., the vignettes tell the stories of Indigenous Peoples in their own voices, in a format that is accessible not only for Indigenous people, but for all Manitobans.

Official Promo (Long Version)
Official Promo (Short Version)
Episode 1: The Creation Story

A young boy sets out on a vision quest in a sacred place known as Manito Api, which translates to “where the Creator sits”.

Episode 2: Buffalo (Respect)

An apparition of a buffalo emerges from the sacred fire, and teaches the boy the law of respect.

Episode 3: Eagle (Love)

A large eagle appears overhead to teach the law of love.

Episode 4: Bear (Courage)

A  bear emerges from the woods and startles the boy, as he learns about the law of courage.  

Episode 5: Sabe (Honesty)

A large and imposing creature similar to Bigfoot appears, and teaches the boy about honesty.

Episode 6: Beaver (Wisdom)

A beaver scurries up the boy to provide the law of wisdom.

Episode 7: Wolf (Humility)

The boy is approached cautiously by a wolf, who explains to him the value of humility. 

Episode 8: Turtle (Truth)

A beautiful song draws the boy to a special encounter with a turtle, who helps him understand the importance of truth.

Click here to view the teaching tools created by Arielle Garand
Click here to view the Anishinaabe and French versions
Click here to learn more about the 7 Sacred Laws and view artwork by Henry Guimond
Contact if you are interested in screening the films, obtaining copies, or accessing the series for your school or organization. For general inquiries, please contact

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