Winter Solstice Ceremony and Sweat Lodge – Turtle Lodge, December 20-21, 2016


Lighting the Sacred Fires of Prayer for the Youth

Winter Solstice (Longest Night of the Year)

December 20-21, 2016


Join us at Turtle Lodge for our Winter Solstice Ceremonies beginning December 20, 2016 at 7:30 pm
Sweat Lodge at 8 pm at the Sagkeeng Health Centre (new building) – Directions below*
We will be spending the night in ceremony inside the Turtle Lodge
Sunrise Ceremony December 21, 2016
Potluck Breakfast Feast at 10 am

The Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice has always been an important time for many people.  As the First Peoples we have always acknowledged this special time.  It is the time of the longest night that brings the birth of the New Sun.  It is a time when we light our Sacred Fires.  The fire symbolizes the sun.  With the birth of the New Sun, in humble prayer we pledge and commit ourselves to walk the path of peace – the path of peace that defines our duties and responsibilities as humanity. The fire represents a doorway to the spirit of our ancestors.  It is at this time we call out to our ancestors for their guidance and direction.  The spirit of the Grandfather Sun is said to keep us in the light of peace.  The Sun watches over us as it crosses the sky each day, constantly reminding us to stay on the path of peace. The longest night allows us to reflect on our lives, to let go of what has not worked for us or what has made us sick, and to embrace the positive and good in our lives.  We become purified by the power of the New Sun.

The Sacred Fire

The fire has always been a symbol of the sun.  As we light the Sacred Fire it is as though we have brought the sun to be in our close presence, giving us warmth, and open to receiving the prayers – the offerings for the Spirit World.  Through the Sacred Fire one can find healing and direction.

It is like bringing light into a dark world.

The birth of the sun brings a special significance during the Winter Solstice.  It is a time to renew one’s vows to the Creator through the sun, the Sacred Fire.

Traditionally the Original People have always gone into ceremony to celebrate what is considered the longest night – the Winter Solstice.  The Winter Solstice gives birth to the New Sun through the longest night of the year.  It is during that longest night that we honour our way of life.  We follow the New Sun across the sky as it watches over us.  It is a time when we honour our ancestors and what they have left for us.

This is the New Sun that will travel each day covering the four seasons to return to the Winter Solstice. In our vows we ask the Grandfather Sun to guide and protect us each day, to remind us of the Seven Teachings that act as the foundation of a good life.

The Sacred Fire draws and attracts the Spirit to come within our presence.  We greet the New Sun in a Pipe Ceremony, with a Feast.

When we are able to do what our Ancestors that done, it is always in faith and belief in a Higher Power of the Spirit, whom we recognize and acknowledge is the real source of knowledge and power.

We acknowledge the crisis of suicide and depression that Youth are facing across the country, and the importance of all of our roles in helping strengthen the identity of the Youth.

These Sacred Fires will be a beacon of hope and faith for Youth who are suffering, will celebrate new Children being born, and will acknowledge those Youth who are living positive lives.

Welcoming the New Sun – Winter Solstice and Sweat Lodge – December 20-21, 2016

Turtle Lodge, Sagkeeng First Nation, Manitoba, Canada All are invited to attend the Winter Solstice ceremony and Sweat Lodge at Turtle Lodge, taking place Tuesday December 20 (6 pm) t o Wednesday December 21 (9 am), 2016.  We will gather at Turtle Lodge at 7:30 pm and head to the new Sagkeeng Health Centre (directions below)* for a sweat lodge at 8 pm.  All are invited to bring their bundles and food and refreshments to share after the sweat lodge. There will be a Potluck Breakfast Feast December 21 at 10 am – please bring a dish to share.

“Traditionally the Original People have always gone into ceremony to celebrate what is considered the longest night – the Winter Solstice.  The Winter Solstice gives birth to the New Sun through the longest night of the year.  It is during that longest night that we honour our way of life.  We follow the New Sun across the sky as it watches over us.  It is a time when we would honour our ancestors and what they have left for us.  The turtle leaves us a trail to follow, and we are all given a chance to walk that trail.  The Winter Solstice is a time when we honour the Trail of the Turtle.

*Directions to sweat at Kigaygamik Lodge at Sagkeeng Health Centre – coming from Turtle Lodge, drive into Sagkeeng.  Pass the church on your left and the old Health Centre/Pharmacy on your right. Turn right onto the next street/long driveway to the new Health Centre building – a giant parking lot. You will see the sign to the Kiigaygamik Lodge there – first exit on the left with a smaller parking lot.

If you are unable to attend, please join with our prayers and light a sacred fire on the Winter Solstice in your home community!


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