Manitoba First Nations Call on Youth
JUNE 27 TO JULY 1, 2018
Elders from 6 Manitoba First Nation communities made this call for leadership at the 3rd Indigenous-led Conservation & Nationhood (ICAN) meeting at Turtle Lodge in April 2018.
Following traditional protocols, Young Men are being asked to seek a vision for the next generation, fasting for 4 days at the sacred site of Manitou Api.
All will meet on June 27 at Turtle Lodge for a Potluck Feast, ceremony and direction from the Elders before making their way to the sacred site. All are welcome to join the Young Men at their Feast at Turtle Lodge on June 27 (6 pm) and Feast and Giveaway July 1 (2 pm). Other boys and men are invited to help support the Young Men as firekeepers at the sacred site for the duration of their fast.
Young Men: Please bring a potluck dish to share for your going-in Feast, sweat lodge gear, camping gear and have someone from your community be prepared to support you with another dish to share when you come out of your fast on July 1. Also bring items for your giveaway on July 1. Each Young Man fasting will be responsible for his own transportation. All Young Men under 18 need to be accompanied by an adult male mentor.
Community members and families of the Young Men are invited to support them by offering prayers in their own communities.
and let us know you will be coming.