The Turtle Lodge has partnered with Manitoba 150 and IG Wealth Management to present a series of short animated films on the Seven Sacred Laws, to be released in English, French, and Anishinaabe. Written by Anishinaabe Elder, Dr. David Courchene (Nii Gaani Aki Inini (Leading Earth Man)) and Cree Director Erica Marie Daniels, the vignettes follow an Indigenous boy on his vision quest, growing, thriving, and gaining wisdom. On his spiritual journey, he meets seven sacred animals who teach him how we as people should live our lives on Mother Earth.
Created by Manitoba’s Peg City Pictures Inc., the short animated films tell the stories of Indigenous Peoples in their own voices, in a format that is accessible not only for Indigenous people, but for all Peoples.
Official Promo (Long)
Official Promo (Short)