In 2018, Traditional Elders from across Great Turtle Island and Abya Yala (North, Central, and South America) named Turtle Lodge their Central House of Knowledge as traditional leaders of their Nations and Peoples.
- Family of the late Elder Dr. Dave Courchene wish to express their thanks and gratitude
- Announcing the Passing of Niitamabit / Nii Gaani Aki Inini (Dr. Elder Dave Courchene)
- Honouring Ceremony
- The Seven Sacred Laws – As Shared by Elder Nii Gaani Aki Inini (Dr. Dave Courchene)
- The Birth of A New Life – A Dream and Teachings Shared by Elder Nii Gaani Aki Inini
The Turtle Lodge is a place for sharing our universal and ancient knowledge, a place for reconnecting ourselves to the Earth and Nature, and also, a place for sharing among people of all colours and nations.
The Turtle Lodge in Sagkeeng First Nation was built in 2002, in fulfillment of a vision received many years ago, and founded upon spiritual, land-based teachings that brings balance to life. It has been built for our children - the center of our lives. Our fundamental goal is Mino-Pi-Mati-Si-Win - A Good and Peaceful Way of Life.
The Turtle Lodge is based on the Seven Sacred Laws and the Eight Paths of Life, the ancient universal values of the Anishnabe People of Turtle Island (North America).