Written at the Turtle Lodge
By Elder Nii Gaani Aki Inini – Leading Earth Man (Dr. Dave Courchene)
Anishinaabe Nation, Eagle Clan
Illustrated by Skylar Courchene, Anishinaabe Nation
A young boy, troubled by the state of the world, asks for his grandfather’s guidance. On his advice, the boy leaves for a Vision Quest on the land for four days and four nights. He receives teachings from the Grandfather Animals, who say how to walk on Mother Earth by following the Seven Sacred Laws. Now an Elder, Knowledge Keeper, and doctor, the boy shares the teachings with us in this beautiful story about walking the good life. In the accompanying DVD, The Seven Sacred Laws, Elder Dr. David Courchene expands on the story to a rapt audience in the Turtle Lodge.
DVD: Seven Sacred Laws Animated Series
Written by Elder Dr. Dave Courchene & Erica Daniels
Directed by Erica Daniels
Created by Peg City Pictures in association with the Turtle Lodge International Centre for Indigenous Education and Wellness, IG Wealth Management & Manitoba 150 The Seven Sacred Laws is a colourful and imaginative animated web series that follows a young boy on an Indigenous rite of passage: a vision quest. On his spiritual journey, he meets seven sacred animals that teach him how we as people should live our lives on Mother Earth.
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