The Seven Sacred Laws


The Seven Sacred Laws is a colourful and imaginative animated series that follows a young boy on an Indigenous rite of passage: a vision quest. On his spiritual journey, he meets seven sacred animals that teach him how we as people should live our lives on Mother Earth.


Written by Anishinaabe Elder, Dr. David Courchene, directed by Indigenous filmmaker, Erica Daniels of Peguis First Nation, and created by Manitoba’s Peg City Pictures Inc., the vignettes tell the stories of Indigenous Peoples in their own voices.

The Seven Sacred Laws are important teachings in our cultures as the Original People of Turtle Island. They are ancestral values that inspire our conduct as human beings and bring us back to a relationship with the Earth.

The Seven Sacred Laws are represented by seven animals. Each animal offers a special gift and understanding of how we as people should live our lives on Mother Earth. The Turtle Lodge has initiated the return and sharing of the Seven Sacred Laws in this very special time as we search for peace. It is more important than ever to share the history of first nations people before colonization.

Available on DVD or as a streaming playlist.

Also available in French and Anishinaabe.


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