Winter Solstice Ceremony
Saturday December 20 to Monday December 22, 2014 (Starts Dec 20 with Potluck Feast at 6 pm and ends Dec 22 with Giveaway and Potluck Feast at 12 noon)
Invitation from the Turtle Lodge
All are invited to attend the Winter Solstice ceremony at Turtle Lodge, taking place from Saturday December 20 (6 pm) to Monday December 22 (1 pm), 2014. Potluck Feast December 20, and Pipe Ceremony at 7 pm. All are invited to bring their bundles. Final Potluck Feast and Giveaway December 22 at noon.“Traditionally the Original People have always gone into ceremony to celebrate what is considered the longest night – the Winter Solstice. The Winter Solstice gives birth to the New Sun through the longest night of the year. It is during that longest night that we honour our way of life. We follow the New Sun across the sky as it watches over us. It is a time when we would honour our ancestors and what they have left for us. The turtle leaves us a trail to follow, and we are all given a chance to walk that trail. The Winter Solstice is a time when we honour the Trail of the Turtle.
Added to this year’s Solstice will be the New Moon. The New Moon reminds us of our children and brings a message of Abinoojii Kagekwewin – a law we are encouraged to implement. Abinooji Kagekwewin means “Education and teachings that are given by Mother Earth, grandmothers, mothers, and women; for the children, that last forever.”