Download Poster, Registration Form and Agenda (Mahkesis Consulting) here:
Poster – Train the Trainer – Traditional Parenting Workshop
Information and Registration
Traditional Family Parenting Agenda 2015
Funds raised by Mahkesis Consulting through this event are being donated to Turtle Lodge for the
Nibi Water Gathering, June 4-5, 2015. The Turtle Lodge thanks Mahkesis Consulting for their support!
Train the Trainer – Traditional Family Parenting
Cost – $395/person
Fund Raiser for Turtle Lodge Nibi Water Gathering
Facilitator – Janet Fox
- Topics – Training to facilitate the Traditional Parenting
- How Our Ancestors Raised Their Children
- Importance of Bonding, Soft Spot, Moss Bag, Swing
- Lateral Violence – Healing from Colonization
- Renew Parenting Skills using the Teachings & Values
- Please bring a memory stick for the power point presentations
Janet Fox has been a Life Skills Coach for 15 years. She also has completed trainings in Vancouver, Prince George, Chetwynd, Edmonton, Grande Prairie, Saskatoon, Regina, Broken Head First Nation, MB, Thunder Bay, Moose Cree First Nation, Wemindji QC, Temishkaming QC
Her passion is to share the teachings about parenting and has presented workshops to approximately 100 First Nation and Metis communities in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario Some of the clients have been the Alberta Gaming Commission, ATCO, Aboriginal Child and Family Services, Government Child & Family Services, Schools, Cultural Camps and Youth Corrections, Awasis, Knowing Our Spirit, FSIN Wellness & Early Childhood, NNADAP, Alberta Home Visitation Network, International Foster Care 2011 and the Creating Hope Society Conference.
Traditional Family Parenting/ReClaiming Our Indigenousness
First Nations people have always had the knowledge that when you raise a child holistically; this prepared them to make positive choices; healthy relationships, healthy children which leads to healthy communities. We need to prepare the next generation as our teachings are a source of strength and identity. There is a need for more facilitators in this field as we can all make change.
It is now time to Reclaim that knowledge and provide and implement programs by using our Indigenous philosophies. ReClaiming our Indigenousness is ‘reversing the process of colonization’. It is time to reach and claim our ancestral identity in order for our people to move forward. We need to start promoting the pride and history of our people from the perspective of the Indigenous Worldview.
The breakdown of our family systems began with colonization and residential school. When the first set of children went away our family systems began to deteriorate. The workshops that Mahkesis Consulting provides are about awareness of ‘how it was in our Traditional Family Systems and ‘how we can bring back these teachings along with the parenting skills and most importantly it is prevention. She has presented to all language groups and the teachings are similar in each nation.
This workshop is recommended for Parents, Elders, Leadership, Youth, Teachers, Social Workers and Front Line Staff
Traditional Family Parenting
Turtle Lodge – May 13 – 14, 2015
Sagkeeng First Nation, MB
Name: |
First Nation/Organization: |
Address: |
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Fax: |
(you will receive a confirmation email, once completed registration form is received)
Cost: $395/per person
Cheques Payable to: Mahkesis Consulting
Please complete Registration form and email to:
If you have any questions or concerns, please call
Janet Fox: 1-780-870-6599
Train the Trainer – Traditional Family Parenting
Day 1
Opening Prayer – Elder Dave Courchene
Opening Comments – Elder Dave Courchene
9:00 a.m.
Introduction – Janet Fox
Introductions – Participants
Presentation – Traditional Family Parenting
12:00 – 1:30
Lunch Break
1:30 – 4:00
How Did We Lose Our Systems?
Day 2
9:00 a.m.
9:00 – 12:00
How Can We Bring Back the Teachings?
1:30 – 3:30
Fatherhood Presentation
Healing Ourselves
Closing Circle
Closing Prayer