Strengthening the Spirit of Nationhood – A Gathering of Knowledge Keepers and Youth at Turtle Lodge, October 17-18, 2016


Invitation from Turtle Lodge

SPIRIT – NATURE’S LAWS – MIDE AKI (MOTHER EARTH) – IDENTITY – CULTURE – MANITOU API – LANGUAGE – TURTLE ISLAND On September 23, 2016, the Turtle Lodge hosted a Working Group meeting with a number of communities represented to discuss how to take care of Manitou Api – the sacred site. Knowledge Keepers, Treaty 3 Grand Chief Francis Kavanagh, Chiefs and representatives from a number of communities were in attendance. Following the guidance of the Knowledge Keepers and Elders was emphasized. The meeting was very productive, and it was agreed that the Turtle Lodge will host a Nationhood Gathering October 17-18, 2016, inviting Knowledge Keepers as well as Youth. The purpose of the gathering will be to further strengthen our Nationhood as Indigenous Peoples, as we move forward in Nation to Nation relationships that will support all Nations in taking care of the land together. The Gathering starts daily at 9 am, and runs all day.  There will be daily Potluck Feasts at noon (Please bring a dish to share, and your own plate, cup, utensils).  In the evenings, beginning at 6 pm, the Chii By Dance (Ghost Dance) will be taking place.


At the Turtle Lodge in the Sagkeeng First Nation in southeastern Manitoba: a place built from a vision, with volunteer assistance and which is completely independent from outside organizations, associations and funding. Camping is available on site or inside the Turtle Lodge, and hotels are available nearby.

Directions and Accommodation Info

Click Here.


There is no need to register – simply come.  If you would like to make a donation, please Click here to Register online.


Please bring a donation of your choosing to the gathering to help cover our costs of hosting.  Your donation would go toward tobacco, the drum group, lodge maintenance and firewood.


One Lunch Feast will take place daily – please bring food to share. We encourage Knowledge Keepers and Youth to attend.  All people are welcome. Bundle carriers are invited to bring their sacred items.
Welcome back to the Turtle Lodge!
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