Having commenced in the Spring (May) of 2014, the Turtle Lodge is now conducting Full Moon ceremonies each Full Moon of the year, to acknowledge and honour Nookomis (Grandmother Moon), to share Women’s teachings and teachings of the current Moon, and to share in a Potluck Feast.
For each and every Full Moon, the Women lead and conduct a Full Moon ceremony. For this particular ceremony, Women on their moon time are welcome and encouraged to attend. Our Men are also welcome to attend, for their support as Fire Keepers and Protectors of the Peoples – especially for our Children and Women. Food and cloth offerings are made to the Sacred Fire, and Water is lifted for the Peoples. The Water, once spoken to by a Woman, is then Sacred and Healing Water.
The Full Moon ceremony will begin at dusk on each of the Full Moons of the year. Everyone is welcome to attend and support this ceremony at the Turtle Lodge. We ask that you come for 7:30 pm, bring a dish to share for a Potluck Feast, yellow cloth and a tobacco offering for the ceremony.