All Are Invited! Come Out & Celebrate Our Communities’ New Traditional Healing Centre at Pine Falls Hospital – June 22 9:30 am to 12 noon.

First Nation Communities unite over new Traditional Healing Centre at Pine Falls Hospital – JOINT COMMUNITY PRESS RELEASE Hollow Water, Black River, Sagkeeng to celebrate new traditional healing centre in Pine Falls – WINNIPEG FREE PRESS First Nation Communities unite over new Traditional Healing Centre at Pine Falls Hospital – NATIONTALK Newswire New Traditional Healing Centre opening in Pine Falls – NETNEWSLEDGER
This has been a long time coming!! Almost 10 years ago, in 2006, the Turtle Lodge brought the original vision of a Traditional Healing Centre to the Pine Falls Hospital and North Eastman Regional Health Authority. The vision was received through our traditional ceremonies – a blessing to be shared for all people. The Traditional Healing Centre would be a place that would reflect our identity and traditions as a People. Our spirit and intent of bringing our vision was to ensure our People would have greater opportunities to find healing within the traditions of our culture and our understanding of wellness and balance in life. The vision reflected how in our culture when people are very sick or in the final stages of their journey, they need a place to visit with as many family members as possible, who can come and offer support and love, prepare foods, and conduct ceremonies. The vision included a kitchen where family members could prepare traditional foods and medicines for their loved ones. It included a sacred space connected to the sacred fire and the sacred lodges, for the sharing of our traditional healing ceremonies and the sacred teachings of our People, that would offer both education and greater support to the healing of the community. The vision was of a place that would be inclusive and support the healing of all our brothers and sisters, both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal, at the Pine Falls Hospital. After many years of discussions with the local Communities, RHA and province, the Traditional Healing Centre received the go-ahead for construction in 2010. In late April 2015, the Manitoba NDP government finally awarded the tender for construction, and construction began earlier this spring. The Communities of Hollow Water First Nation, Black River First Nation and Sagkeeng First Nation have been meeting regularly. The Communities are united in a commitment to working together and with the IERHA to take responsibility in ensuring that the Traditional Healing Centre provides full support to all members of the communities surrounding the Pine Falls Hospital. Through the elected political leadership, Elders from all the Communities have been given full authority by the Chiefs to be the ones to manage, take responsibility for and decide what will take place inside the Traditional Healing Centre. All are invited to join us June 22, 2015 at 10 am to 12 noon at the Village Green Park in Pine Falls, just beside the Pine Falls Hospital, as we celebrate the beginning of construction and the beginning of the fulfillment of a Vision of Healing for the Community! Pipe and bundle carriers are invited to bring their Pipes and sacred items.