Turtle Lodge Youth Programs

IMG_0431The Turtle Lodge can help design a Youth Program based on the needs of a group.  We have done Youth Programs with students and youth of all ages, and all cultures, which involved a basic introduction to traditional indigenous teachings.  A Turtle Lodge Youth Program offers young people the opportunity to experience age-appropriate cultural activities which formed part of the traditional peaceful way of life of our ancestors. All our programs are land-based, and founded upon the Seven Sacred Laws & Eight Paths of Life.
The goals of the Youth Leadership Program are to:
  1. Encourage and guide youth to develop knowledge of and respect for their unique culture, heritage and tradition
  2. Help increase the youths’ self-esteem
  3. Encourage youth to express their true feelings
  4. Share ancient Indigenous values and concepts that will lead to a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

A Youth Program featured in a short film
via Myhero
The MY HERO Project

Dave Courchene was the recipient of the Special Hero Award at the 2009 MY HERO Film Festival, based on this short film entitled TURTLE LODGE by filmmaker Adriana Capozzi.
Embedly Powered
via Myhero

Some Testimonials:

I liked the Turtle Lodge because I like the Drum Songs.  I was painting, going outside and playing games and medicine.  And I like the sacred fire.  And I like the sweat lodge.  And I like learning about the seven teachings.  I like the crafts.  I like the family trees.
Nathan, Grade 3 from Anicinabe Community School, Sagkeeng First Nation

I had so much fun and I want to come here again.  I felt lots of love in my heart.  It’s so cool coming here because you dance, you do crafts and you can learn how to sing pow wow too.  And I love the Seven Laws Respect, Humility, Love, Honesty and Truth and I know that makes your life better.
Cassy, Grade 4 from Sagkeeng Jr. High School

I think the lodge is really fun and I would like to come back again.  I really got taught a lot about the 7 Teachings.  I like the crafts that they have set up.  I hope that they could bring us there more often, not once a year.  The teachers there are so kind and awesome.  I would like to learn more about our culture.
Alicia Spence, Grade 5 from Sagkeeng Jr. High School

It was good and I felt like I lived here and I felt like I really belonged here for once in my life.  I never felt this way but only wished that we could stay longer than four days and if they ever did this again I would come back to learn some more stuff about our culture.
Trisha, Grade 8 from Sagkeeng Jr. High School

The Turtle Lodge made me feel good and I liked the way they showed our way of life and how our ancestors lived off these medicines they showed us.  I would like to come back for ceremonies and sweats.
Josh, Grade 9 from Sagkeeng High School

The fun I had and the experience I had was:  1) The Seven Teachings, 2) The new friends I made, 3) All the games we played, 4) The sweat lodges, 5) The names they gave us, 6) The songs that were taught, 7) The trip to Selkirk.  All of this changed my life.  Thank you very much and hope to see all of yous again and the Arts and Crafts and all the visions youève given me to see and all of this I will teach in Little Grand Rapids.
Corey Duck, Age 14, Little Grand Rapids

I felt excited about coming to the Turtle Lodge.  I am always telling the children to be proud of being Anicinabe.  I think this is what is missing in the children’s lives is teaching their spirits.  They need to know who they are as Anicinabe, to know about their culture, heritage and the teachings.  I think that the Turtle Lodge is exactly what is needed in our community and in our schools.  I think the Turtle Lodge should be incorporated into the Native Studies program at all 3 schools in the community.  I would like to come back again.  I enjoyed everything.  I especially liked the crafts and the games!  Keep up the great work.  The food was great too.  You’re all doing a great job here!!
Grade 5 Teacher, Sagkeeng Jr. High School
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