January 8, 2021 Media Release Indigenous Knowledge Keepers will host national meeting to address racism and set the foundation for good relations in their homeland SAGKEENG FIRST NATION, MANITOBA – In response to an invitation from the Canadian government to offer guidance to the country, The Turtle Lodge International Centre for International Education and Wellness will be hosting an innovative national webinar addressing racism in the health care system on January 11 at 1:00 PM CST. It is entitled “Setting the Foundation for Good Relations in Our Homeland, and will be led by Indigenous Knowledge Keepers, and moderated by family physician, Dr. Sabina Ijaz, and Associate Deputy Minister of Indigenous Services Canada, Valerie Gideon. “As we move into a new year with new beginnings, this is the perfect opportunity to hear the voice of those who have traditionally offered guidance and leadership in Indigenous Nations. The Knowledge Keepers bring a message of love, hope and unity for all in this country,” reads a statement issued by Turtle Lodge. On October 16, 2020, federal ministers of Indigenous Services Canada, Crown-Indigenous Relations, Health, and Northern Affairs Canada convened a national meeting with Indigenous Peoples and organizations, health care professionals, and provincial and territorial representatives to work toward eliminating systemic racism in the health care system. At the October meeting, presenters, including Dr. Ijaz, advocated for the leadership role of Indigenous Knowledge Keepers in addressing racism in this country. “Indigenous Peoples have survived genocide and racism in their homeland because there are those who have continued to practice traditions and ceremonies, based on values of kindness, sharing and respect for the sacredness of all life. It is this voice that is needed today,” said Ijaz, who has worked for twenty years in a number of Indigenous communities in Manitoba. She added, “Indigenous Peoples have a history of leading in their homeland for tens of thousands of years, evolving a knowledge that today could help save our species from extinction, nevermind racism. The time is now for Indigenous Peoples to lead again.” To register for Monday’s webinar, or to request media interviews after the session with the Knowledge Keepers, email turtlelodge@mts.net. – 30 – Media Contact: turtlelodge@mts.net |

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