Indigenous Elders and Traditional Knowledge Keepers share at Special Chiefs Assembly on Climate Change & the Environment
ON NOVEMBER 30, 2016, Manitoba Indigenous Elders and Traditional Knowledge Keepers shared the Great Binding Law and a strong message at the Special Chiefs Assembly on Climate Change and the Environment in Winnipeg.
As invited by Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Grand Chief Derek Nepinak to lead and guide the people, Manitoba Elders and Traditional Knowledge Keepers came forward to share their perspective on Climate Change.
Beginning at 48:50: Elders and Traditional Knowledge Keepers Harry Bone, Florence Paynter, Mary Maytwayashing, D’Arcy Linklater, Fred Kelly and Dave Courchene begin by asking a young person, Zara Contin,. to share the Onjisay Aki Youth Statement, originally written by youth leaders at Turtle Lodge in Sagkeeng First Nation, Sept 16-19, 2016 – (50:50).
The Manitoba Elders share the Great Binding Law document they wrote together – beginning with Anishinabe (Ojibway) Elder Florence Paynter (55:20), Nehetho (Cree) Elder D’Arcy Linklater (58:00), Anishinabe Elder Mary Maytwayashing (1:02:30), and Anishinabe Elder Dave Courchene (1:05:25).
Anishinabe Elder Dave Courchene shares the final part of the Great Binding Law document and shares a powerful message for all people. (1:05:25 – 1:25:00, 1:38:32 – 1:44:19).
The full text of the Great Binding Law written by Manitoba Elders at Turtle Lodge in 2015 can be found here.
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