Message of the Elders to the National Energy Board and the Public at Turtle Lodge – November 28, 2015
Following Traditional Ceremony at Turtle Lodge Elder Nii Gaani Aki Inini (Dave Courchene): What you have just witnessed is the most important part of our presentation – our acknowledgement of Spirit and our acknowledgement of the land through ceremony – using our sacred gifts to communicate with Kizhay Manitou, the Higher Power. It is this connection that assures that we are provided guidance, proper direction, and support. This is our reality. The statement that I am about to present was inspired in this sacred lodge and in ceremony. We hope that you will accept it, in the spirit that it is being shared, with openness and kindness. The tree and the water and the Earth are listening, and with the sound of the Drum they will carry our message all over the world.
Spirit of Life Story
There is a light from the heavens that enters the mother’s womb. The mother nurtures that spirit. The spirit makes its journey on Earth. The spirit finally returns to the spirit world, to the house in the heavens, making its journey back to the Creator.
The Selfish Son/Greedy Son Story
There was a caring and loving mother who had a selfish son.
One day the selfish son was sick and his kidneys were failing, so he went to his Mother and asked his loving, caring mother if she could give him her kidneys. Being the loving, caring mother she was, she gave her selfish son her kidneys. Then he asked for her liver because his liver was failing. Being the loving, caring mother she was, she gave him her liver.
This went on until all she had left was her heart. The selfish son asked for his Mother’s heart which she gave to her son. Now she became just an empty shell. Her body as an empty shell collapsed because the selfish son took everything that his loving, caring Mother had with no regard for her life.
Is this what we are doing to our Mother Earth?
You Are Like Mother Earth
Your flesh and body represent Mother Earth.
Your bones represent the stones.
Your hair represents the Tree Nation.
Your fine hair on your body represents the medicines and grasses.
Your small veins represent the creeks.
Your big blood veins represent all rivers.
Your heart represents all the lakes.
Your liver represents the oceans.
Your four limbs represent four brother winds.
Your head represents the heavens.
Your blood flows the same ways as the waters.
We should look after Mother Earth as we look after ourselves.
Youth Voices
Animiki Makwa (Lucas Courchene):
Boozhoo, Animiki Makwa Diznikaz, Kinew Dodem.
First of all I want to say that I am honoured that I have been given this opportunity to speak on behalf of the Youth during this really historic event that is happening.
It is our responsibility as Youth that we listen to the Elders.
The Elders are the knowledge and wisdom keepers. They have a significant role to ensure that the Nation abides by the Spiritual and Natural Laws. They have the responsibility to ensure that a strong connection and relationship is maintained with the Spirit. They are the ones that guide the Nation in a most spiritual way, therefore they ought to be given absolute respect by all the Nation.
Having said that, I am very proud and honoured and grateful to know the Elders that I do, along with all the other people who are rich with knowledge and our culture as First Nations people. This has given me the opportunity, and I am very proud to say that I have gone through my rites of passage. It wasn’t until then that I started understanding the land the way that I do now. It wasn’t until then, when I gave up my food and water, that I started to appreciate what our beloved Mother Earth has provided us for thousands of years.
Having said that, we as a People have to start giving back in return, starting by showing gratitude. Humanity has to better the relationship with the land, for the benefit of all People. Having said that, the hope for humanity has always been in the hands of the ones who are living peacefully, who are following the living laws of the land.
Nii Gaani Bineshi Quay (Sierra Courchene):
Aniin, Nii Gaani Bineshi Quay Diznikaz, Sagkeeng First Nation Doon ji ba.
My name is Sierra Courchene, I am 15 years old, and I am from Sagkeeng First Nation. I am here today to speak on behalf of the Youth and the Land.
As a Youth, the condition of the Land is very important to me, considering it will affect my life, how it will affect the people around me, and the future, for the future generations, for my children, for my grandchildren, for the future of the People, and for Mother Earth herself.
As a People it is our responsibility to take care of her. Like it was said earlier on today, whatever happens to Mother Earth happens to us. For we do not own Mother Earth. Nor does she belong to us, but we belong to her, because we are her children.
The land is our Mother, and she teaches the sacredness of the womb and represents us, for the Women, as lifegivers.
And for the Youth, we need guidance from the Elders to see what we can do to prevent and help recover the damage that has been done already, so that way we can heal Mother Earth, and her children, being all living things on the planet.
I’d like to say that I am very honoured to be here today to have this opportunity and privilege to speak on behalf. And I’d like to thank everyone for coming, and it’s an honour to meet all of you.
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Thank you Elders for your sharing your wisdom. It is time for us to come together and as you said “love Mother Earth” and all her species back to health.
Thank you Turtle Lodge and the Elders for sharing this important message.
Thank you, elders you have spoken truth and beauty. May we all hold true to our Mother.